Thursday, March 11, 2010

New Update..and pictures

Hey gang..

here we are....3 months on down the road and we have been completely unfaithful in keeping up with what's going on.

Here are the updates:

Abby: She is growing into a fantabulous mother. She loves her son, loves playing with him, watching crawl around the house, watch him laugh at Raleigh dog, watch him as he hangs with the president (me)...and fusses when he does boy things. Like bump his head as he crawls, or scratches himself being the rough and tumble crawler he is.

Josh: I love my boy and he is pure fun to watch. Fathers are different than mothers and I'm good with that. My wife sit down with Noah for hours and just stare at him. I on the other hand thoroughly enjoy watching them together. Talk about warming the cockles of your heart. Plugging away at work. I have built some decent momentum, know it just takes keeping it going, finding new leads, following up on those that I have and really conveying the passion I have for what I do. I'm still working part time at the depot, but that will be ending very soon as my income level rises.

Noah: All boy. Crawling everywhere. If it ends up in his's going to his mouth. He chirps, he laughs, he screams a greeting of hello, he grins and is just generally cute.

Raleigh dog: Eats, poops...sleeps and is generally annoying.

Here are pictures.


  1. I love the pictures... I would like me own personal email with several of these so as to have for my own personal viewing enjoyment... and I might get a few developed as well to carry with me... that is what a Fave does.

    Also, your dog annoys me too.
    Interesting that we only see her back end in only one picture. Fine by me. The girls in my Bible Study are trying to schedule an intervention for my loathing of dog issues. They will fail. Oh well.

    You are all precious... and I am missing see a picture of the Pres. himself.


  2. He looks so much like Isaiah to me! Precious! Miss you guys.
