I am really impressed with Contractor Josh. He seems to be genuinely out for our best interest. While he was there today, he pointed out our basement door to the handyman and asked him to fix it. The door was not damaged in the accident, it was already messed up when we moved in. He has even thrown a few things into the project that weren't on the house but are the best things for it and will make it better. He has really gone above and beyond in making sure we are taken care of.
Anyway... Today begins the undoing - undoing the electric/wiring on the damaged side of the house...
But first things first, they had to install the port-a-potty. Those guys have their priorities straight.
Even though I consider port-a-potties disgusting and normally avoid them like the Black Plague, I am documenting this whole process and since this was the progress I saw today you get to see it too. But I'll try not to discuss the pot too much...
The dumpster arrived shortly thereafter, followed by the pod to keep our things safe while an entire wall of our house is gone.
During this whole process I was upstairs puttering around. Raleigh Dog decided it was a good time to make a break for it and ran down the broken stairs and slipped out the basement door which I had forgot was open. She's a speedy little sucker. I proceeded to curse her name as I chased her around several of my neighbors yards. Again, it was a cat that saved the day by distracting her enough so I could catch her. This is the third day in a row that she has got loose and the third day in a row that we have caught her because she was cornering a cat. Poor dog, this is the only excitement she gets these days.
Here are my toes after traipsing through dew covered grass, dirt and gravel driveways in really impractical but cute flip flops.
Look how repentant Raleigh Dog is... the little stinker.
Good luck boys. I am glad its you and not me.
The Momma
Overseer of All Things Construction
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