Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Meet Melvin Cornknuckle.

He's me....or rather the name I've given to my sin nature. I was having a conversation the other day with The Momma, and I was relaying to her how some days I won, and how some days my sin nature won whilst dealing with work matters. Some days I feel lazy and let my sin nature take over and I am not productive. Some days I win..and I still feel unproductive.

So while ironing my shirt for my part time job at the de-pot, I relayed that I was going to name my sin nature Melvin. It's a name that doesn't conjure up anything scary or threatening. It's a name apt to my sin nature because it/he sneaks in smooth like, whispers innocent things in my ear...and whala...day goes to crap.

It's amazing to me that although I know Christ has beaten sin....I still feel trapped by it daily. I feel set in stupid routines that go counter to everything I could be if I just let go of those things that I shackle myself in everyday. How foolish is it to get out of bed...and gladly hop into shackles that you don't need? Honestly? Yet every morning I get up...look down at the dirty dingy things like they are the most comfortable shoes I've ever worn...slip them on, and walk out the door.

So from here on out I will be writing down in my day planner who won that day. Me or melvin. Here's the sad part....melvin has lost already...I just give him the field to play on. So on the days that he win's..it's my stubborn born-in sin nature that didn't trust God that day for the work He has already done.

President of Fatherly Duties
Assistant Slayer of Melvin
JandA Corp

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