And then I come across moments where I am reminded of what it is that I do all day. I had one of those this afternoon. I laid Noah down on the floor so I could do something really quickly and as I glanced back over my shoulder, there he lay.
So what is it that I do all day?
I am a witness.
A witness to the growth and development of this precious, amazing little boy. To his smiles, his coos, his burps, his cries, his dirty diapers, and yes being a witness also means cleaning up his puke. I have the honor of seeing him every minute of every day - except for the few times El Presidente and I get a movie night.
I am also a witness to my husband. I get to see Josh sacrifice his time to support his family, I see him wrestle with the how to become the man he wants to be, I see him adore his son, and I get to see how much he loves me.
Most importantly, I am a witness for God and how immeasurable He is. There are no perfect words to describe His faithfulness, His love for me, His unfathomable plan for my life. He has this unstoppable way of bringing me to my knees in praise - by force in allowing a truck to hit my house, in awe as I watch the son He made and gave to me, and in joy as I see how He is growing and softening the heart of my husband.
Today I was reminded of what I do and Who I work for. It was Him who gave me Josh and Noah to love and to lift up. This phase of my life wont last forever and I bet there will be a time when I long for quiet days like today. So what if all the little things fall by the wayside, I am doing my job.
The Momma
I JUST got to catch up on all things Belbeck.........and oh my!! You guys have been met with many a trial AND tribulation!! WHat can I do?? I shall devise a hearty care package. What might you be in need of?? Giftcards are safe....but to where? Ugh, so much has happened and I thought I was being wise in leaving you be to enjoy terribly handsome Noah. Clearly my promise to not neglect was thwarted, but I am back on track. He really is so precious and beautiful! You are the bestest family and I am jealous. Seriously, what do you all need??--Natalia (yeah, Nat)