Thursday, December 17, 2009

Pre-Christmas Update

I sometimes forget that I have a son...I also forget that I have a dog, a house and a wife. Those are the moments that catch me off guard and when I snap back to reality I can honestly say how blessed that I really am. I have a beautiful mate who is in full blossom as a wife, a mother and friend. I have a growly boy who is a joy to play with, who is eating real food, rolling around on the floor and doing a great impersonation of an inch worm.

I have a job that I love, a job that I am currently bad at, but God has consistently provided for our basic needs from the get go. I have a new and wonderful appreciation for my own father who has been a commission only salesman for a majority of his life. I understand now where he earned his steadfast trust in our provider.

My boy is lucky. He has his Beka and GiGi, his Tootsi, and his Oma and Opa. He has three sets of of grandparents that love him up. Not to mention his Aunts and Uncles who adore him locally. We are blessed.

I have a new personal goal. It's a BMW GS 1200 Adventure. We were at Oma and Opa's house a couple of weeks ago to hang out and catch up. Opa had bought a new toy and as Opa's are...he was generous and let me throw a leg over his new bike. For example, using the term exhilaration is tame compared to riding the Adventure. Thanks Opa! It's an experience that I won't ever forget!

While I was having fun...Abby and Noah got to spend some quality time with Oma. Oma is my other mother who I've known for years and has been an incredible part of our lives. She fell in love instantly. It was incredible watching her with her little grandson, playing, cooing, know..being the cute baby that he is.

Go to my Facebook page to see Noah crawling. If I'm not your friend..send me a request.

That is all for now.

President of Wind in the Hair
President of Fatherly Duties

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