Wednesday, June 3, 2009

10 cm's delighted...

Beka is jumping for joy because Abby is 10 centimeters delighted....we didn't want to ruin his joy and say it's dilated.

The nurse is waiting on a call from the doctor before we start pushing. I'll be handing this over to Philip the VP of Uncles to continue to update.



  1. Hooray!! Have been watching progress all day. Way to go. You guys looked like you were having way to much fun waiting.
    --Jill Stevens

  2. SOOOO EXCITING!!!!!!!!! Theresa keeps calling the nurses desk asking if the baby has been delivered yet...I think she is getting on their nerves ;) he he he..We can't wait!!!

  3. YAY!!! PUSH, Abby, PUSH!! Can't wait for pics of your precious baby :) ~ Mandy
